Morgan Advanced Materials has further extended its offering to the utilities sector with the addition of a new range of ultrawide bandwidth, high-sensitivity air coupled ceramic sensors for flow metering.
The sensors offer an increase of magnitude in sensitivity compared with alternatives which are currently on the market, whilst maintaining and widening the bandwidth. The development is made using technology similar to that which underpins four-dimensional imaging.
These enhanced properties enable metering manufacturers to greatly increase flow measurement accuracy at low and high flow rates, while also reducing power consumption.
This allows the products to meet the performance requirements of both European and North American regulatory bodies and to be produced in the high volumes required for the smart meter rollout.
The new sensors are ideal for integration into acoustic anemometry systems and smart metering systems, as well as air-coupled level measurement of liquids and solids. There is also the option to customise the sensors for use in harsh and industrial environments, with the capability to measure at pressures of more than 100b in much larger pipelines.
Ewan Campbell of Morgan explained: "In the utilities sector, the drive is to be as accurate as possible. Traditionally there has been a trade-off between bandwidth and sensitivity, both of which influence measurement accuracy, but the new sensors for the first time offer high performance in both areas, enhancing the accuracy of flow meters.
"Low flow measurement is also an increasingly important parameter for customers and the high bandwidth and minimal zero flow offset of our sensors allows the creation of greater definition around the signal."
For further information, please visit: www.morgantechnicalceramics.com/air-coupled-sensors