AMC Aviation EASA-PART-145 & CAMO, Software, Consultancy, Flight Operations Engineering and Training

AMC Aviation was established in 2001 with the objective of delivering high-quality, customised services to the airline industry.
Line maintenance services
AMC Aviation through its European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) 145 approved maintenance organisation Airlines Maintenance Company provides line maintenance services to CDG, ORY, XCR, LBG, TLS, DOL and other airports.
These services include line maintenance, application of various work orders and work packages, in-depth troubleshooting, short and long storage, flying spanner, engines wash and boroscope inspections together with engines replacement.
Airlines Maintenance Company is approved to perform maintenance on following airplanes types:
- Boeing 737-300/400/500 (CFM-56)
- Boeing 737-600/700/800/900 (CFM-56)
- Boeing 777-200/300 (GE90 – PW4000 – RR RB211 Trent 800)
- Airbus 318/319/320/321 (CFM56 – V2500)
- Airbus 330, (GE CF6 – PW4000 RR RB211 Trent 700)
- Airbus 340 (CFM56)
CAMO services
The AMC Group is CAMO approved under EASA, FR.MG.0125 and FR-MG.394.
AMC provides continuing airworthiness management in accordance with (CE) No 2042 / 2003 part M for the following airplanes:
- B737CL
- B737NG
- B757
- B767
- B777
- B747
- A310
- A318
- A319
- A320
- A321
- A330
- A340
- MD80
- F100
- CL600
- BAe 125/700/800
- ATR42
- ATR72
- CESSNA 208
- DHC6
- PA34
- LET L-410
- CESSNA 510/525/525A/525B
- FALCON: 10, 20-5, 200, 50, 50EX, 900, 900EX, 900EX EASy, 2000, 2000EX, 2000EX EASy and 7X
AMC Aviation’s approved procedures are designed to be easily tailored, and when combined with the company’s AMS-Maintenance Pack® software, as well as its experienced and flexible team, they offer affordable and efficient solutions.
The AMS-Maintenance Pack can be consulted and operated online, enabling it to manage your fleet from the company’s Paris offices, no matter where your operations are based.
In return, all the reports or statuses you may need can be edited from any computer with internet access at any time, or emailed to you.
Aircraft management software solutions
AMC has created innovative software solutions that are used within the group and by various airlines and MROs.
The Aircraft Management System (A.M.S®) manages:
- CAMO services
- Maintenance
- Supply chain
- Stock management
- Quality assurance
- Documentation
- Reliability
The iCare® ultimate safety management (SMS) delivers the tools to implement an efficient SMS service; both this and the AMS reduce the number of personnel needed to manage these processes.
Aircraft surveys and airworthiness reviews
Being EASA Part M Sub Part I approved, AMC has the ability to carry out airworthiness reviews to issue or extend the airworthiness review certificates of aircraft operated within EASA’s jurisdiction.
For aircraft that have been operated or stored outside a controlled environment, including the aircraft operated by an operator outside of EASA’s jurisdiction, AMC can conduct airworthiness reviews in order to determine the aircraft’s compliance with an approved type-design, and with the applicable maintenance, repairs and modifications regulatory standards.
Working knowledge of regulatory requirements regarding the issuance of an aircraft export certificate of airworthiness enables the company to determine all discrepancies, which would otherwise prevent the interested party in obtaining accreditation.
The reports will determine all modifications, inspections or any other work needed to be performed on the aircraft in order to meet specific regulatory requirements or contractual obligations.
Management of the aircraft phase-in / out process
Process of an aircraft transfer from one fleet to another is an occasional operation that neither lessors nor airlines always have the manpower to handle with all the attention it deserves.
AMC has the means and experience to manage the transfer of various aircraft models from one registration to another, while organising the whole process of obtaining the certificate of airworthiness from the country of import, following the issuance of the certificate of airworthiness for export from the country exporting the aircraft.
Set-up of airline structure
AMC Aviation provides full service packages dedicated to the set-up of the complete airline structure.
Set-up of aircraft maintenance structures
Through the geographical extension of PART-145 approval, AMC is able to set-up a complete aircraft maintenance structure in a very short time, and make it acceptable to airworthiness authorities of any country your aircraft may be registered in.
Such an approach in a start-up phase or ad hoc operations of an airline will save immense time and costs and allow its management to concentrate on all other commercial and operational problems.
Once the operation has started, the company can assist the airline in gradually taking over the control of their aircraft maintenance by putting in place in-house maintenance, logistic and engineering departments of the highest standards.
Flight operations engineering documentation and IT management
- Ensuring an airline flight operations support
- Audits and surveys of flight and ground operations
- Supply operational managers and staff for the airline operations
- Development of IT systems adapted to the specific airline requirements
- Providing training and skills monitoring in areas such as FLT, ORG, DSP, MNT, CAB, GRH, and SEC
EASA Training and EASA e-Examination
AMC provides training and EASA examination for PART-145, PART M, PART-66, PART-147, EWIS, HUMAN FACTOR, SMS, QMS.
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Regional Offices
Tour Europa 132
Avenue de l'Europe
94320 Thiais