Korr Holdings Aviation Consultancy, Contract and Engineering and Recruitment Services

Korr is a leading Australian aviation consultancy with three areas of specialization: aviation contract engineering, aviation consultancy and aviation recruitment services.
Aviation contract engineering services
Korr’s experienced contract engineering team is available to complete heavy maintenance, line maintenance and specific projects under your Certificate of Approval.
Aviation technical assesment and logistics programmes
Our capability ranges from group 20 to group 1 aircraft types covering:
- Airframes and engines
- Avionics
- Structures
- Supply, logistics and stores
- Quality assurance
- Project management
- Other specialisations
Services are provided to clients across Australia ( including regional areas) as well as international assignments.
Aviation quality audit and project management services
Korr employs consultants with a wide range of experience who are available to complete assignments for civil aviation (airlines, special mission, charter and training) and government contracts within Australia and internationally. Services include:
- Quality audit in aviation
- Project management – including complex fleet changes and introductions
- Technical training needs analysis and support programs
- Financial analysis, business case development and reporting systems
- Technical assessments
Contact us now to discuss your specialised consulting needs within aviation.
Aviation recruitment services
Korr People is an Australian company serving global markets. We specialise in supplying recruitment, contracting and consulting services to the airline and aerospace industries. Our consultants are highly experienced aviation specialists and maintain a network extending to international, major domestic and regional airlines, defence force recruitment and maintenance repair organisations.
We find and match the right people to the right jobs. Korr People’s consulting services reach to international assignments for major airlines, government instrumentalities and service providers.
Specialist recruitment of aviation sector personnel
Korr People’s scope of services is wide and includes the following range of roles.
Flight operations, including:
- Line pilots – captains and first officers
- Training and checking Captains
Aircraft maintenance and engineering personnel, including:
- Licenced aircraft maintenance engineers (mechanical and avionics categories) with Australian, EASA, FAA and other country licences on most Boeing models; Airbus (A320 and A330); DHC8; other turbo prop and utility types
- Aircraft maintenance engineers with trade certificates and strong experience base
- Structures personnel with experience on fixed wing and rotary modifications, repairs and rebuilds
- Trainee and apprenticeship programs
- Materials, logisitics and stores personnel experienced in aviation purchasing and inventory management
Specialist consultants, including:
- Project managers – fleet upgrades and new type introductions; major projects
- Quality auditors
- Aviation OHS advisors
- Cert IV trainers
- IT systems specializing in aviation systems
- Finance and accounting personnel – FCPA qualified, para-professional and support staff
Please contact us for more information or assistance in finding the right solution or job for you.
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Regional Offices
PO Box 138 WESTDALE NSW 2340