PCB Piezotronics Sensors, Cables and Signal Conditioning Equipment for the Aerospace Industry

PCB Piezotronics provides sensors, cables and signal conditioning instruments for the aerospace sector.
Testing accelerometers and sensors for aerospace applications
PCB Piezotronics supplies accelerometers, pressure sensors, microphones, torque and force sensors and load cells.
These products are used for numerous applications, such as gas turbine engines and testing rocket motor combustion instability, cryogenic fuel pulsations, hydraulic pump evaluation, and helicopter health and usage monitoring (HUMS).
They are also used for structural, vibration and flight testing, as well as satellites for vibration, pyroshock, force limited vibration and acoustic stress testing. PCB products can also be used in wind tunnels and to measure aircraft noise.
Ground testing for aircraft vehicles
The ground testing of a new or modified aircraft is required before pre-flight programmes can begin.
Ground testing is a complicated and extensive programme including airborne and structure acoustics, material fatigue, structural dynamics and flight loads.
PCB Piezotronics provides a wide range of sensors and signal conditioners for ground testing. The products on offer are reliable, cost-effective and tailored to specific types of testing.
PCB ground testing products includes sensors for ground vibration testing (GVT), modal analysis, static load and fatigue testing, reliability and functional testing, along with acoustic testing and certification of aircraft.
Flight test sensors for airborne applications
PCB Piezotronics has worked with flight test engineering to develop flight test sensors and and signal conditioners for use in difficult aerospace environments. The products available include sensors for helicopters, aircraft, UAVs and rockets.
Sensors can measure engine vibration and pressure, rotor and track balance, cabin and cockpit noise and rocket launch noise. They also measure engine flutter, buffeting, HUMS and intertial loads.
The engineering staff at PCB Piezotronics has a wealth of experience in designing flight test applications and can quickly modify sensors for specific test requirements.
Environmental test sensors for extremely adverse conditions
PCB Piezotronics manufacture environmental test sensors including highly accelerated life testing (HALT) and highly accelerated stress screening (HASS) accelerometers.
These accelerometers are used during HALT and HASS testing, which expose electronic products to environmental stresses, and exposes failures and defects. Only products that pass these tests are sent to customers, so that PCB provides high-quality, reliable products.
The company also offers stage separation pyroshock testing, spacecraft low outgassing accelerometers and cables, as well as satellite force limited vibration testing and cryogenic and high-temperature vibration and pressure measurement in gas turbine and rocket engines.
Manufacturing operations are certified to AS9100 and ISO 9001, with A2LA accredited calibration to ISO 17025. Products can be manufactured to meet specific aerospace environmental standards, such as RTCA-DO-160 and MIL-STD-810.
Products and Services

1200ºF Charge Output Pressure Sensor with UHT-12™ Element (series 176AXX)
With the move toward increased fuel efficiency and lower exhaust emissions, today's gas turbine engines are based on technological innovation yet also bring potential problems.

Charge Output Accelerometer with UHT-12TM Shear Sensing Crystal (Model 357A100)
UHT-12TM is a new crystal designed for more accurate, lower noise measurements during large temperature variations.

ICP® Mechanically Isolated 100,000 g Shock Accelerometer (Model 350B01)
Piezoelectric ICP® accelerometers afford a very high signal output (+/- 5 volts full scale) and the ease of two-wire electrical connectivity.

ICP® Mechanically Isolated, Electrically Filtered 10,000 g Triaxial Shock Accelerometer (Model 350A43)
ICP® Triaxial shock accelerometer, 0.5mV/g, 10kg range, mechanically isolated and electrically filtered, 5ft integral cable. Piezoelectric ICP® accelerometers afford a very high signal output (+/- 5 volts full scale) and the ease of two-wire electrical connectivity.

Low Noise MEMS DC Accelerometers
PCB® series 3711E, 3713E and 3741E MEMS DC response sensors are used to measure low frequency motion down to zero hertz.

Low Outgassing Miniature (1.3gm), Ceramic Shear ICP® Accelerometer with TEDS (Model TLD352A57)
Miniature (1.33gm), ceramic shear ICP® accel., 2.5 mV/g, with TEDS version 1.0 and 5-44 coaxial connector.

MEMS High-G Surface Mount Shock Accelerometers (Series 3503C20xxKG3)
Piezoresistive MEMS high-amplitude shock accelerometers represent state-of-the-art industry technology for miniature, high amplitude, DC response acceleration sensors.

Triaxial ICP® Low Thermal Coefficient Accelerometers (339A series)
PCB® single and triaxial ICP® accelerometers are designed with a low temperature coefficient, wide operating temperature range, and good broadband measurement resolution, making them ideal for any vibration measurement requiring tight control of amplitude sensitivity over a wide thermal gradient.

Triaxial, Lightweight (1.0gm) Miniature, Ceramic Shear ICP® Accelerometers (Model HT356B01)
Platinum Stock Product Triaxial, lightweight miniature, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 5 mV/g, to +356 F (+180C).

Triaxial, Lightweight Miniature ICP® Accelerometers (Series 356A4X)
Miniature triaxial ICP® accelerometers are available in a variety of sensitivities to suit specific application requirements.

White Papers

Low Outgassing Accelerometers and Cables
Exposure to the high vacuum level of a space environment induces material outgassing in ordinary accelerometers and cables.

Design and Selection Criteria of High Temperature Accelerometers for Aerospace Propulsion
Accelerometers and pressure sensors for measurement in aerospace propulsion systems require special consideration during design and manufacturing processes.
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Press Release
Designed for gas turbine applications and other 900 °F (482 °C) environments.
Read morePiezoelectric accelerometers and pressure sensors ensure accurate measurements to move flight test program ahead of schedule.
Read moreModel 482C24 provides added application flexibility.
Read moreRandom incidence, high frequency, ½" microphone minimises overloading.
Read moreLow frequency range extends below the human audible range.
Read moreUHT-12™ Crystals have better accuracy and higher temperature capability.
Read morePCB Piezotronics, Inc., manufacturer of the industry's best-selling piezoelectric ICP® shock accelerometer family, introduces a new mechanically isolated, electrically filtered nearfield or farfield pyroshock sensor that is capable of measuring up to 100,000g.
Read moreRegional Offices
3425 Walden Avenue
New York
United States of America