VTOC Fokker Part 147-Approved Aircraft Maintenance Training

VTOC Fokker is a training institute for technical aviation education based in The Netherlands. Our program meets the demands of the international regulation described by the EASA in part 147. The part qualifications result in a graduation certificate, which meets the international regulations in aircraft maintenance. The Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, supplied VTOC Fokker with PART 147 approval in 2005.
Technical aviation training services
VTOC Fokker is the first training institute for technical aviation education in the Netherlands, of which the program meets the demands of the international regulation by the EASA as described in PART 147. It offers VMBO en HAVO3 students the chance to obtain the professional skills in the various areas of aircraft maintenance, necessary to be employed in the aviation industry. The PART qualifications result in a graduation certïficate, that meets the international regulations and therefore is a passport to jobs in other european countries. As in today’s world safety in the air has become of great importance, the international regulations have been tightened up. The graduates of VTOC Fokker are steady on their legs in a society, where borders can be crossed.
Aircraft maintenance training services
At VTOC Fokker the teaching method is fast-paced, requiring students to meet stringent requirements. The mimimal level of preliminary training is VMBO and HAVO3. Candidates have to be physically and psychologically fit. VTOC Fokker educates trainees, in most cases commissioned by the aviation industry or the Royal Dutch Airforce. Students are trained to become aircraft maintenace technician Cat. B (Part 66). It is possible to attend individual courses, concerning certain specific fields of the general study, during a shortened trianing period.
Part 66 basic aircraft maintenance training
VTOC Fokker offers basic aircraft maintenancetraining courses, full courses as well as reduced training with full examinations for general approval. Modular training for single modules or license restrictions can be offered to satisfy individual requirements. The corresponding certificates are recognised by the Dutch aviation authorities (Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat) and the EASA.
Our approval includes the following PART 66 categories for certifying aircraft maintenance staff:
- Part 66 Category A1, A2, A3, A4
- Part 66 Category B1.1, B1.2, B1.3, B1.4
- Part 66 Category B2
Experienced aircraft mainenance training staff
The training staff and instructors at VTOC Fokker are highly qualified and all gained their practical experience in the aviation industry. A great number of the excellent teachers have trained the personnel at Fokker Aircraft.
VTOC Fokker is located at the epicentre of the Dutch aviation industry, the Anthony Fokker Business Park at Schiphol East.Our qualified instructors teach our courses at our training institute located near Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, or at the location of the client.
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Regional Offices
PO Box 7600
1117 ZJ Schiphol Oost
Fokkerweg 300
Anthony Fokker Businesspark
1438 AN Oude Meer